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Showing posts from 2008

Politik Macam Main Bolasepak!

Hadi minta Manikavasagam letak jawatan dan menyarankan " "Saya fikir lebih baik dia letak jawatan supaya rakyat boleh memilih semula pemimpin mereka dan dia boleh menjadi calon bebas," katanya Disini jelas bahawa Hadi bukan lah seorang pemimpin yang pandai. Nampaknya beliau tidak tahu undang-undang dan mungkin tidak pernah membaca Perlembagaan Persekutuan. Perlembagan Persekutuan dengan jelas menyatakan bahawa jika seseorang Ahli Parlimen atau ADUN meletakkan jawatannya, beliau tidak layak untuk bertanding selama 5 tahun dari tarikh perletakan jawatan itu. Maknya Manikavasagam tidak boleh bertanding dalam pilihanraya kecil itu, kalau ianya diadakan! Perkara ini sudah saya jelaskan dalam posting saya pada bulan Mei lalu dalam tajuk " Letak jawatan hilang kelayakan! " Mungkin Hadi tidak dinasihatkan dengan betul oleh penasihat-penasihatnya. Mungkin juga Hadi cakap tidak berfikir dahulu. Hakikatnya pemimpin sebegini tiada kewibawaan langsung untuk memimpin negara...

Conduct Unbecoming of a Member

Saya membaca Utusan Malaysia atas tajuk Ahli umno minta sogokan peribadi boleh 'terlepas' dan saya amat kecewa. Bukan kecewa dengan berita yang dipaparkan tetapi kecewa dengan isi kandungan berita itu. Peguam yang dilantik oleh UMNO iaitu Datuk Mohd. Hafarizam Harun nampaknya tidak dapat memahami sepenuhnya isi kandungan serta "spirit" Perlembagaan UMNO. Saya sama sekali tidak setuju bahawa ahli yang meminta sogokan untuk sokongan "boleh terlepas dari dikenakan hukuman". Menurutnya dan juga Tengku Ahmad Rithauddeen, "pada masa ini tidak ada peruntukan bahawa ahli yang meminta imbuhan, sama ada dalam bentuk kewangan ataupun lain-lain sebagai bayaran bagi undi atau sokongan, dikenakan tindakan" Saya harap mereka dapat membaca semula Perlembagaan UMNO:- FASAL 6 TANGGUNGJAWAB DAN HAK AHLI 6.1 Tiap-tiap ahli mempunyai tanggungjawab seperti berikut: 6.1.1 Memegang teguh dasar parti dan melaksanakan tujuan-tujuannya. 6.1.2 Mendaftar diri sebagai pengundi...

Sakmongkol’s Vicious Cycle vs Smalltalk’s Money Circling!

I read Sakmongkol's The Vicious Cycle of Malaysian Politics , including all the comments posted. Many a times I tend to agree with Sakmongkol, but not this time! Malaysian politics is very unique. We are multi racial and multi religious. We have our own brand of politics and our understanding of politics tend to be very diverse in nature. If you are born in a family of politicians you tend to take politics in the way your family takes it. In all likelihood, if your family is of the UMNO diehards, your thinking about politics maybe influenced according to the UMNO way. Nevertheless, there are also situations where a person born in the family of UMNO diehards tend to stray and become diehard supporters of Pas and vice versa. And, we also see families with mixtures of political ideologies. Shahrir Samad and Khalid Samad is a classic example. Compare that to Lim Guan Eng/Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh and sons! And, naturally Anwar/Azizah/Nurul and the Sheikh Fathils family of the last...

Guna Blog Kena AMARAN!

Guna blog pun salah dalam UMNO? Ini sudah melampau lah! Ahmad Kuris diberi AMARAN kerana berkempen guna blog. Baca di sini . " Bekas Ketua UMNO Bahagian Hulu Langat, Datuk Ahmad Kuris Mohd. Nor pula diberikan amaran setelah didapati bersalah berkempen untuk jawatan parti menggunakan blog ." Kalau guna blog pun jadi satu masalah apakah gunanya teknologi yang ada? Adakah kita masih mahu guna cara kuno? Bukan politik yang sebegini yang kita mahu hapuskan. Kita mahu hapuskan POLITIK WANG dan bukannya PERKEMBANGAN TEKNOLOGI BARU. Apa kah yang ada didalam kepala Jawatankuasa Disiplin? Adakah mereka dalam dunia nyata atau alam fantasi? Adakah ini bererti mereka tidak mahu ahli-ahli UMNO ikut Bekas Presiden yang merupakan Blogger No. 1 Malaysia?

Political Will - Part 3

Political Will versus Politically Smart. I was asked why Kuantan is having massive traffic jams come Friday till Sunday. The reverse as compared to KL. In KL, Sunday especially is jam free. The answer is simple. People from Kemaman and all parts of Terengganu come to Kuantan beginning Thursday afternoon. Their weekends begin on Friday whereas we in Kuantan begin on Saturday. It's actually good for Kuantan and helps the economic growth. But we have to endure the way people drive in the jam. They will wait till the lights turn amber before they move on and the right side of the lane becomes the "slow lane". Kuantan needs a better public transportation services. Town service buses have to be provided soon! There must be buses plying Kuantan-Indera Mahkota and Kuantan-Permatang Badak and lots more. There must be a political will to do it fast! And the buses must have cheap fares! Not like the LRT in KL where the fare is as expensive as the taxi fare! Bus fares must be cheap a...

Political Will - Part 2

Why is the decrease in the price of petrol NOT followed by the "harga barang keperluan lain turun?" Why is the price of essential goods still at the same high level as when the increase in the price of petrol was made? Why is it that harga barang cepat naik tapi lambat turun? I can understand the situation if an economic experts were to tell me. But that is not the issue or the problem. The problem is to explain to the common people! The man who come to ask for aids at the MB's office or to those knocking my door early in the morning asking for some help to buy rice for the family. No matter what others may say, I would say it loud and clear here. The Federal Govt was STUPID the raise the price of petrol in the 1st place! Who ever is the economic adviser or advisers to the Federal Govt. he or she must be a FOOL! Did we see any price reduction of essential goods everytime the Federal Govt announce the "harga minyak petrol turun 10 sen lagi'? I have not seen or hea...

Political Will

In the next few installments let us smalltalk on Political Will. The political will to get better quality of life and cheaper cost of living for the people, you and I included. I don't have any economic studies background but the last 9 years of my life have been spent observing politics in official capacity. In Malaysia, politics includes almost everything. It seems like if we have the political will, a lot of things can be resolved. In the last GE, Barisan Nasional lost out to the so called Pakatan Rakyat , a term which I feel very inappropriate esp. in Pahang . To me they should be called Pakatan Pembangkang . The main issue that appealed to the voters in the last GE was " barang naik ". We have to admit that. Memang barang naik . I am not pointing fingers at anybody and we in the State are actually very, very helpless in this matter. Barang naik is beyond our control. The State is in no control of the price of petrol, foods and you name it! At the moment, w...

Melayu Ada Kelas Ke? (Bab 2)

Prodigal Maestro membawa ingatan saya ke tahun 1985. Pada tahun itu saya memulakan karier sebagai seorang lawyer setelah letak jawatan dari Judicial & Legal Service. Saya berkenalan dengan Dato' Mohd Ariff Ibrahim (DMA). Beliau seorang akauntan dengan Hanafiah Raslan Mohamad (HRM). Di HRM saya juga kenal Hassan Merican, Toby Lam dan lain-lain. Itu pun kerana saya dengan legal firm Messrs. Gill & Tang dan PS Gill adalah rakan kongsi saya. PS Gill adalah bapa kepada Asha Gill. Ya... Asha Gill dalam Astro tu! DMA adalah orang Kelantan dan isteri beliau Tengku Fatihah Ibni Sultan Ibrahim (Ku Ah) saudara kepada Sultanah Johor dan juga Raja Permaisuri Perlis. Saya terpegun dengan kereta Rolls Royce mereka nombor plat DA 3 (Dato' Ariff 3). Kalau tidak silap hanya ada 9 lagi Rolls Royce yang dimiliki oleh orang Melayu selain dari yang dimiliki oleh Sultan, Raja dan Yang DiPertuan Negeri. Raslan tidak minat Rolls Royce dan lebih gemar kepada Porche (atau Ferrari...saya dah tak i...

Melayu ada kelas ke?

Huzir Sulaiman yang mulakan. Mat Cendana sambut. Sakmongkol tulis sampai dua tiga siri. TiLianKer pun masuk campur. Macam-macam komen ada, ada yang tulis nama ada yang anonymous sahaja. Soalannya, Melayu ini ada kelas-kelas pulak ke? Bukankah Melayu itu satu sahaja! Melayu ikut definasi Perlembagaan Malaysia " Malay means a person who professes the religion of Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language, conforms to Malay custom ." Berugama Islam Secara lazimnya bercakap dalam Bahasa Melayu Mengamalkan adat Melayu. Berugama Islam - Tiada persoalan disini. Tapi Islam yang macam mana? Islam yang macam mana?. Cukup dengan boleh mengucap dua kalimah syahadah sahaja? Sembahyang bila hari Jumaat dan Hari Raya sahaja? Baiklah, kita boleh kata ikut Islam yang dibawa oleh Nabi Mohamad SAW. Atau kita tinggalkan soalan ugama ini setakat kita akan kebumikan jenayah orang Melayu itu di perkuburan Islam kalau dia telah mati? Ini bermakna orang seperti Lina Joy bukan Melayu! Secara lazimnya...

Blow whistles Change Identity!

The Government planned to introduce the Witness protection, with new identity and job The Bill was introduced in Parliament today for its First Reading and if passed will among others provide for:- " The Bill also sets out what a witness would have to disclose to the DG when applying, such as details of criminal history, outstanding tax, bankruptcy proceedings, immigration status, business dealings, financial liabilities and assets as well as general medical condition. The final decision whether or not to allow a witness into the programme will be made by the A-G. A registrar of witness protection will also be appointed to maintain a register of participants and that only the A-G, DG, minister and any other person authorised by the DG would have access to the register. This register would also not be produced in court ." This is to encourage witnesses to come forward to testify in serious criminal cases such as corruption and the like. This is something Pak Lah had promised b...

Not Awaiting Any Further Instructions

A lot, really a lot, have been written about PDO's apologies I guess those in PDO can't see the real issue. When I read the posting by Pahangdaily .com (which can be read here ) ,I responded by writing this posting In that posting, I wrote that I was also ready to sue PDO (meaning to sue and I act on behalf) and have taken steps to get my legal firm in KL to initiate a meeting with my lawyer friends i.e to discuss the cause of action. But before such meeting could be convened, PDO had apologised. Nevertheless, in law, an apology is just a mitigating factor in determining the damages. The fact that an apology is made, the act of defamation is thus admitted by PDO . In view of that development i.e the apology, it is prudent of me to seek further instructions from the family of Allahyarham Dato ' Hj Abdullah . Seeking further instruction from the family is not an easy matter. Tahlil prayers for Allahyarham is still ongoing and tonight (the 13th of December 2008) is just...

Maaf yang terlambat!

Edisi Khas; Permohonan Maaf Secara Terbuka !! kepada keluarga Allahyarham Dato' Hj Abdullah Ratmat yang disiarkan oleh PahangDailyOnline (PDO) telah dibuat pada hari ini 12hb Disember 2008 jam lebih kurang 5.30 petang. Saya sendiri telah bersedia untuk menyaman PDO atas penyiaran PDO menghina Allahyarham dan keluarga serta waris. Saya juga telah menghubungi pejabat guaman saya di Kuala Lumpur untuk mengadakan perbincangan dengan beberapa rakan peguam yang lain termasuk Dato' Shafee Abdullah, Sashi Menon dan Shamsul Baharin. Diatas perkembangan terbaharu ini dan diatas prinsip serta nas undang-undang yang sedia terpakai, permohonan maaf hanya menjadi "mitigating factor" didalam menentukan jumlah ganti rugi. Perbuatan fitnah itu adalah diakui sendiri oleh PDO dengan permohonan maaf itu. Sebagai rakan karib Allahyarham, saya akan menyerahkan perkara ini untuk "further instructions" dari keluarga dan waris Allahyarham dan akan saya memaklumkan tindakan yang sel...

Al Fatihah buat seorang rakan

Al Fatihah buat sahabat karib dan rakan seperjuangan Dato' Haji Abdullah Bin Rahmat, Setiausaha Kerja Badan Perhubungan UMNO Negeri Pahang yang telah kembali ke Rahmatullah akibat kemalangan jalanraya Kuantan-Kuala Lumpur sebentar tadi kira-kira pukul 12 tengah malam. Semoga Allah mencucuri rahmat keatas rohnya. Al Fatihah.

Kayveas, you better resign!

The adviser to PPP, Mr S I Rajah said there was no decision by the grassroot to pull out of BN. It was just Kayveas' idea. There is no question of leaving BN, said S I Rajah. Read this in Utusan Malaysia Like I said before in PPP to leave because of ISA? Kayveas must show maturity and firmness in his words. As far as Pahang is concern, with or without PPP, we will still hold fort and we are having a good grip of the political situations here. I was informed that Kayveas was born in Pahang. Is it so? Sorry to say that there is no place in Pahang for leaders like you here anymore! We don't succumb to threats like that!

"Datuk, before new year, you akan mati"

It was reported in Malaysiakini that the Chairman of Raub MCA has received a death threat. It was reported as 'Datuk, akan mati sebelum 1 Jan' Oh my God, what is happening? It was reported that the sms threat was from an overseas phone number. I hope nothing untoward will happen to Dato' Sri Lam and the police will do their utmost best to bring the culprit to the arms of the law. To Dato' Sri Lam and family, on behalf of the Office of the Chief Minister of Pahang and myself and family, we wish you well and may god bless you. I am also hoping that the matter would not be politicised by any quarters.

Thank you Nada for your Comment.

In respond to my posting Siapa Ikhlas Siapa Berdolak Dalik? Nada had come out with a very good point. I reproduce herewith his/her comment and my answer thereof for the benefit of all. I hope Nada and all others who are curious about the same issue may now be in a better position to understand it and will not be easily influenced by the "political side" of the matter. (Note : I have edited a bit of my reply by correcting spelling errors and short forms. Nada's comment is in full and not edited) Nada said... You have your points. You are a good lawyer indeed but i just disagree on one point. I dont really care about your Umno politicking crap but i think the MB Pahang should just obey court orders and pay Seruan Gemilang. Does anyone even care about reputation anymore? December 8, 2008 4:40 PM DSN said... Nada, Thank you for your comment. You have brought out a good point. I don't indulge in Umno politicking crap here. U may notice that in my postings. The...

Siapa Ikhlas Siapa Berdolak Dalik?

Perkara asalnya mudah sahaja. Saya pelawa penulis blog Pahangdaily Online untuk berjumpa dengan saya dengan saya menulis dalam ruangan komen " Edisi Pahang: Rakyat Terbela Selepas 48 Jam Isu Didedah, MCA Bantu Ke Mana Pergi Puak UMNO! " yang berbunyi seperti berikut :- " Kepada Editor, Webmaster, krew dll Pahangdaily , Sedih saya mendengar ungkapan dalam posting ini yg berbunyi "Kami tahu YB teruntun dari MCA yang jumpa Dato' S/U MB. Mana mungkin Dato' S/U MB mahu jumpa dengan media seperti kami ini ." Sanggup kah saudara/saudari jumpa saya? Sanggupkah saudara/saudari dedahkan identiti? Kalau sanggup marilah kita berjumpa. Saudara tahu dimana pejabat saya dan boleh hubungi saya bila-bila masa. Aturkanlah melalui krew saudara di Pejabat MB atau Pejabat SUK yg telah menjadi part time krew itu. Mana tahu ada kebaikan bersama?" Penyataan Pahangdaily yang berbunyi " Mana mungkin Dato' S/U MB mahu jumpa dengan media seperti kami ini. " adal...

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha

Saya sekeluarga memgambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha kepada semua rakan dan kenalan terutamanya pengunjung blog ini. Aidil Adha mengajar kita erti pengorbanan. Saya berdoa moga-moga kita dibukakan hati untuk berkorban dengan menjauhkan diri kita dari membuat fitnah dan mereka-reka cerita untuk kepentingan peribadi atau kelompok kita. Kepada saudara dan rakan yang ditimpa bencana tanah runtuh di Bukit Antarabangsa, saya ingin menyampaikan rasa simpati saya dengan iringan doa supaya diberi hidayah Allah dan dikuatkan iman serta diberi kekuatan untuk bersabar. Saya faham apa erti kesedihan dan kepayahan yang sedang saudara-saudara alami. Saya masih teringat trajedi yang sama di Highland Towers pada tahun 1993 kerana rakan dan kawan saya sendiri yang terlibat. Saya faham apa ertinya ''Tinggal sehelai sepinggang'' dan apa ertinya hilang orang yang tersayang kerana saya sendiri pernah merasainya walaupun dalam trajedi yang berbeza. Kepada ra...

PahangDaily Online Jawab Tak Mahu Jumpa Saya

Saya paparkan disini posting dari dengan banner baru, yang memberi jawapan kepada pelawaan saya untuk berjumpa. Satu ketika kata "apalah kami untuk berjumpa dengan SU Politik MB" dan bila saya sungguh-sungguh mahu berjumpa, mereka memberi bermacam-macam helah. Anda buat lah penilaian sendiri. Pada saya, mereka ini hanya berani dibelakang dan tidak suka berdepan! Saturday, December 6, 2008 Edisi Pahang: Sekalung Penghargaan Kepada Setiausaha Politik MB Pahang Atas Pelawaan !! KUANTAN - Pihak Pahang Daily Online, ingin mengambil kesempatan disini untuk mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada Setiausaha Politik Menteri Besar Pahang, Dato' Shamsuddin Nawawi atas kesediaan mempelawa kami untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan beliau pejabatnya semalam. Namun, begitu sebagai salah satu wadah alternantif untuk rakyat kami belum bersedia lagi untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan beliau bagi membincangkan segala permasalahan dan kekalutan politik yang melanda Pa...

The Four Pahang Horsemen of Cyber Apocalypse

N. J. Ahmad of The Malay Mail wrote about Pahang Bloggers by the name of YB Dato' Pang Tsu Ming, Dato' Ti Lian Ker, Dato' Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz and Dato' Shamsuddin Nawawi and called them as "The Four Pahang Horsemen of Cyber Apocalypse" which can be visited at Four Pahang Horsemen of cyber apocalypse Being one of the four mentioned, I must say I am very honoured. I am sure the other three must be equally honoured too. Nevertheless this posting must not be construed as writing on behalf of the other three. May I add that Dato' Ti Lian Ker and I are lawyers by training and we take full responsibility for whatever we write in our blogs. My posting especially, shall not be construed as representing the organizations that I am a member thereof. My designation as the Political Secretary to the Chief Minister of Pahang must not in any way, whatsoever, be construed as representing the Chief Minister himself. Nevertheless, both of us share the same ideology that ...


THE MALAY MAIL WROTE ABOUT THE "FOUR PAHANG HORSEMEN" AND WE SAY THANK YOU SO MUCH. "Four Pahang Horsemen of cyber apocalypse" By N. J. AHMAD December 05, 2008 Categories: Cyberspot Pakatan Rakyat watch out – Cyberspace, once almost the exclusive domain of the opposition parties, is now witnessing the serious entrance of Barisan Nasional bloggers, much to the delight of their supporters. And nowhere is this more concerted and leaving significant impact on cyber surfers than the blogging efforts of "Four Pahang Horsemen" – all respected members of society with important positions in the ruling government – who have met the Pakatan head-on in cyberspace through their blogs. Previously known only within their State, this quadrangular band of "VIP bloggers" who entered cyberspace after the general election last March, are now better known throughout the country and among Malaysian expatriates working overseas. They started at a time when mor...

Will they come?

Pahangdaily Online wrote a lengthy "explanation" on the Penjaja episode. What they did was to take pictures of the scene and nothing more, nothing less. Posted the pictures in their blog and then claim credit. Pathetic! In the comment to Kontroversi: Isu Peniaga Gerai MPK, Setiausaha Politik MB Pahang Disalah Tafsir Laporan Kami !! I wrote " DSN said... Kepada Editor, Webmaster, krew dll Pahangdaily, Sedih saya mendengar ungkapan dalam posting ini yg berbunyi "Kami tahu YB teruntun dari MCA yang jumpa Dato' S/U MB. Mana mungkin Dato' S/U MB mahu jumpa dengan media seperti kami ini." Sanggup kah saudara/saudari jumpa saya? Sanggupkah saudara/saudari dedahkan identiti? Kalau sanggup marilah kita berjumpa. Saudara tahu dimana pejabat saya dan boleh hubungi saya bila-bila masa. Aturkanlah melalui krew saudara di Pejabat MB atau Pejabat SUK yg telah menjadi part time krew itu. Mana tahu ada kebaikan bersama? December 5, 2008 12:51 PM" I am challenging ...

Lembu Punya Susu, Sapi Punya Nama

I have to put the record straight. On Wednesday, December 3, 2008 it was posted by under title " Edisi Pahang : Rakyat Terbela Selepas 48 Jam Isu Didedah , MCA Bantu Ke Mana Pergi Puak UMNO !" They alleged that the " Suara Rakyat , Peniaga Gerai Niaga Aidil Adha Kecewa Dengan Sikap Pegawai MPK !! " problem was solved without the help of UMNO and making all sorts of unnecessary stupid allegations. I have to produce herewith the letter written by YB Chang Hong Seong , State Assemblyman for Teruntum dated 2 nd December 2008 appealing on behalf of the penjaja . The letter was addressed to the Chief Minister of Pahang who was in Terengganu attending an ECER programme on the same date. I attended to YB Chang and wrote a memo to the YDP Majlis Perbandaran Kuantan ( MPK ) which is also produced herewith. All the documents are self-explanatory.(Please click on it to enlarge the documents) Immediately after I had w...

Cyber war in Pahang begins!

Prior to March 2008 GE, Pahang was without much infrastructure insofar as ICT is concern. What was written in the blogs did not actually reach the masses. The internet connections was slow, very slow indeed. But not now. In Kuantan and in almost all of Pahang, wi fi and all the other form of connection to the internet have been improved. Thanks to all the sevice providers! Like education, the internet media can be good and can be bad as well. Give them education, they will change the status quo. Give them internet, they will change the whole political scenario! Transmission of information no longer via Jabatan Penerangan of yesteryears. Remember the "wayang penerangan"? Remember the Penerangan Land Rover with loudspeakers circling the kampong informing the kampong folks that there will be a film show? Remember the cowboy films shown on big screen in the kampong? Remember when we argued whether John Wayne was lefthanded or righthanded, depending on which side of the screen you...

Wilayah Celcom, Budaya Celcom?

Celcom Broadband. MUKTAMAD. Terpantas di Wilayah Celcom. Itu lah yang boleh kita baca dari papan iklan gergasi di persimpangan Jalan Besarah/Jalan Teluk Sisek/Jalan Tanjung Lumpur di Kuantan. Dulu papan iklan gergasi ini telah kelihatan seperti mengangkangkan gambar Hari Keputeraan Sultan Pahang sebagaimana boleh dibaca dalam Celcom Terkangkang! Tidak ada masalah kalau Celcom hendak buat iklan sebesar mana pun. Buat lah. Tetapi kenapa perlu dipamirkan gambar perempuan yang terkangkang? Tidak adakah gambar perempuan yang lebih sopan? Apakah budaya yang hendak dibawa oleh Celcom? Budaya terkangkang sana terkangkang sini? Adakah ini akan menarik pelancong untuk datang ke Kuantan. Tidakkah boleh dipamirkan gambar perempuan Melayu, Cina dan India sebagai satu lambang perpaduan sesama kita? Tidakkah ditapis dahulu gambar yang hendak dipamirkan oleh pihak yang memberi kelulusan? Atau adakah ajenda tersembunyi yang hendak dibawa oleh Celcom? Banyak persoalan yang dikemuka banyak pula persoala...

PPP to leave because of ISA?

Kayveas taking PPP out of Barisan Nasional simply because of ISA. Its a draconian law. Its supposed to be used on terrorists only. Kayveas: We will leave Barisan if ISA is not amended I hope Kayveas read the Patriot Act of the USA which can be read in wikipedia ( and can be downloaded vide PPP is not a strong party within the BN and have not won a single seat in the last GE. If PPP wants the ISA amended, please propose the amendments sought and the justification thereof. Kayveas might be a lawyer by training and at times what you read in the law books might not be the same as the one in real life. Insofar as Pahang is concern, with or without PPP, BN can still survive, God Willing.

When Najib Becomes the PM - Part 3. Who will be the Pahang MB?

From my earlier posting of ''When Najib Becomes the PM -Part 2'', 2 comments worth a full posting in reply and herewith reproduced in full... ZV said... Dear DSN... Quoted from ur post.. If at all they have any intention of becoming the next MB of Pahang come March 2009, my word of advice to Jabatan Penerangan, "don't adjust the volume or change the's the way they talk!".As u know there is already talk in bandar (kuantan) that a new MB will emerge come March 09 and your post here strengthen the rumor...perhaps the new MB comes from the very division in which the state capital sits...perhaps yea? However, the new MB, if these is one, will need tutoring on public speaking, face-to-face communication and above all improve the hell his communication skills especially in english since his only mastered foreign lingo is japanese...yes? Then again, Long aways said he is tired lah, wanna rileks lah, time to take a step down lah...Ayahanda di Pekan pun...