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I received this email from a person by the name of Mohd Peter which I think is worth sharing. It was addressed to Friends of Matthias Chang of which I must admit I am one of them...I reproduce the email in full below:-

Dear friends of Matthias,
I am disturbed by Matthias' Malaysian proposal for a flotilla of 100 ships from Muslim nations escorted by a war ship. What is needed instead is LaRouche's solution for the almost completed Israel-Syria peace deal to be finalised on the afternoon that President Obama is sworn into office. Matthias's proposal, an angry response to the barbaric Israeli invasion, will only add to the chaos and expand the war, Muslim against Muslim, as yet another divide and conquer 'British Empire' operation. Muslims must use their heads not their emotions and not fall into the British war trap which appears to have been carefully and skilfully prepared over the last 12 months with full Bush/Cheney complicity.
The British Foreign Office are past masters at these war games. Don't you think they have anticipated such angry response? What this satanic empire cannot handle is serious and genuine negotiations for peace at the highest levels. The vast majority of the world's population want a peaceful and just settlement to the never ending London manufactured Israel-Palestine conflict. An ocean of Nuclear desalinated water and a comprehensive development program which has been prepared over decades by the LaRouche movement for the whole SE Asian region must be part of the peace and will end 100 years of conflict. We cannot miss the golden opportunity presented by what seems to be a well advised Barack Obama becoming President in 11 days time.
Mohd Peter

Source: from Matthias Chang's website 1 Jan 09

I am calling on you Mr. Prime Minister as head of an Islamic government, as well as the opposition parties, to prove to the world that we as a nation stand for justice and morality and not hypocrisy by doing what needs to be done. The Muslims should put to shame the Christians who boast of their civilised behaviour and their so-called justice into action. If Muslims fail to take action, they are no different from the Christians which they have condemned.

I therefore call upon you, Mr. Prime Minister to issue a clarion call that all member countries of OIC, Arab-League, and NAM, each to dispatch a warship to escort a flotilla of merchant ships to ESTABLISH THE NAVAL BRIDGE FOR PALESTINE - "THE PALESTINIAN NAVAL BRIDGE FOR LIBERATION & FREEDOM".

By this single action of defiance, we shall prove to the world once and for all that the Zionist Anglo-American war criminals are cowards.

Let us see whether the fascist Zionists would dare attack a flotilla of a hundred merchant ships bearing food and medical supplies and escorted by warships of the international community.

This flotilla of ships will be continuously supported by a rotation of 50 other ships so that at any one time, there will be a minimum of 50 ships anchored permanently in the territorial waters of Palestine - the Gaza Strip to ensure peace and aid to Palestine.



  1. this guy writes like he is on speed....constantly....

  2. DSN,
    Mathias' idea is not a smart idea at all. These flotilla of ships will be easy targets for Israel to destroy. If we can't even get the oil rich Arab nations to pressure USA to stop supporting Israel, how could we ever get them to send a flotilla of ships with whatever cargo?


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