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Matthias Chang The Great

Those who know Matthias Chang will vouch that he is a great guy. He is a fighter cock and a good advocate. At times he will lash out whatever vulgar words just to stress a point. I had the honour of knowing and being a friend to Matthias Chang since the early 1980’s. I was with Messrs. Gill & Tang and Matthias was with Messrs.Suhaimi Khor Zulkifli & Chang. On many different occasions we had the opportunity to meet in courts as adversaries.
Our friendship became closer sometime in the year 2001 when Matthias was made the Political Secretary to the Prime Minister then, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamed. Matthias created history by being the first Chinese Political Secretary to the Prime Minister. I was Political Secretary to the Chief Minister of Pahang since 1999. Matthias was made a Political Secretary without being a member of any political party, something which he is so proud of. Tun Mahathir has created Matthias to be the most loyal political prodigy. Matthias is very knowledgeable and if there is poll to determine the best political secretaries of all time, Matthias will definitely come out top, if not the best or at least the most colourful!
In 2001, during the MCA Team A & Team B crisis. Matthias, Dato’ Johari Baharom and me did an assignment together and had dealings with Tan Sri Lim Ah Lek, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy, Dato’ Liow Tiong Lai, Dato’ Ong Tee Keat, Dato’ Chua Jui Meng, Dato’ Yap Pian Hon, Dato’ Fu Ah Kiow, Loh Seng Kok (Ex MP/ Ex PolSec) and Datin Paduka Tan Yee Kew (now with PKR). These people will be able to vouch on the way Matthias communicated with other people. He is a tough guy and will fight for whatever thing he feel he is right, even when he is alone! He will never easily admit defeat. Matthias argues with arrogance and at times no tact at all. Dato’ Azalina can also tell us what kind of a person Matthias is, as we were also involved in helping her to get Puteri UMNO started.
I am very sure all will say Matthias is a great man. His loyalty to the man who hires him is without question. He is willing to die fighting for the rights of the wronged! Everything needs to be done before the day ends. That’s Matthias motto and work ethics.
But…Matthias lacks sense of humour! Serious…he is not the type to laugh at things. He will not know when you joke with him or when you are just pulling his legs!
Recently, he was so happy that Tun M would be supporting Tengku Li for his quest to be the President of UMNO. Matthias sent sms to Johari Baharom and me. Johari called me to inquire if I had received any sms from Matthias of which I answered yes. Both of us agreed that we will provoke Matthias by disagreeing to whatever he wrote in the sms. Johari will reply the sms “attacking Tun M” and me “attacking Ku Li”. Whatever Matthias replied to us will be forwarded to the one another. Matthias is easily provoked and naturally would accused both of us by using his favourite words like “asshole, f_ck you, bastards, buggers, motherf_ckers, idiots and the like”. Both Johari and I are so use to that. We don’t take heart at all. We just laughed over the phone about how mad Matthias had been.
Without even thinking about the sms and the telephone calls, Johari and I were so surprised to stumble across our names in Matthias website. He quoted what we wrote in the sms thinking that we are dead serious. If we visit Matthias’ website at DATO JOHARI BAHAROM RATTLED BY NEWS OF TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD'S SUPPORT FOR TENGKU RAZALEIGH IN HIS BID TO BE PRESIDENT OF UMNO - By Matthias Chang, we can roughly sizes up Matthias. His website is decorated with skulls and fierce colours. Just like Matthias in real live. If you have a weak heart, my advice is, do exercise extra care. You will not be wrong if you think you are in a war zone.
Matthias oh Matthias… don’t be too serious lah brader! Johari and I had planned over the phone to play a joke on you…
Both Johari and I are just as happy as you are that Tun M is rejoining UMNO. Nevertheless, to agree or otherwise with Tun M’s choice of President of UMNO, is entirely up to us. Tun M can be wrong too, right? It is okay for Tun M to support Ku Li. Neither Johari nor I were rattled by Tun M’s support for Ku Li. We will be so if Tun M supports AnWar Ibrahim re the 916 take over of the government! Thank God, he is not doing that, is he?
Matthias, Malaysia is a free country and didn’t we agree to disagree?
Cheers Brader… God willing, we pray that you will relax and accept that live cannot be that serious and uptight! An angry man is a hungry man and surely you are not fasting, are you?


  1. funny lei.. he really serious in taking people words...

    I don really read Matthias Chang's blog
    1) I cannot do comment on his blog(or I cannot find).
    2) I would prefer if he redesign his blog, to be more user accessible and if I had free time maybe I'm willing to do it. His blog felt something like a war zone.

    but when I have sometimes to spare and read his opinion on matters happening in Malaysia, I agree with him most of the time. It is a big shame that Malay can't see like him.

    whatever it is, its a miss communication. Luckily, one side don't really take to heart on his misunderstood jokes.

    Last time when I was in college, I have a few friends who is a big supporter of Anwar, I always tease them about political stuff and they can blabber to me from lunch time until night fall, just to fast forward my weekend free time. I respect their opinion even when they rejected my opinion.

    To me, I don mind they have a different political mindset as long as they don't mix it with friendship. Hope this doesn't change.

  2. ha ha ha ha ha ha so evil
    ha ha ha ha ha ha


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