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Ketuanan Melayu with Responsibilities?

This is what one person by the name of Dr Syed Alwi wrote to RPK (Raja Petra Kamaruddin) sometime back and was subsequently posted by RPK at Malaysia Today. It received serious debate by bloggers irrespective of race and religion.
Can we blame Article 153 of the Constitution, the NEP and the slogan "ketuanan Melayu" for all the things that happen to the Malays and the Non-Malays in this country? Why can't we just respect each other. Why must we widen the racial divide? Are the Malays not responsible enough in letting all bad things happen to the non-Malays in this country? And is there at all any bad things happening to the non-malays? Are the non-Malays suffering from the policies of NEP and the slogan of Ketuanan Melayu? Dear friends of non-malay origin, lets live together harmoniously and be rest assured, we Malays know our responsibilities to our "Ugama, Bangsa dan Tanahair"

"Dear RPK and other Malaysians,
I find it very strange that political discourse in Malaysia today, revolves around Malay rights (Article 153), Ketuanan Melayu, NEP and so on.For one thing, rights always come with responsibilities. How many Malaysian Malays talk of the Malay responsibilities that accompany their much touted Ketuanan Melayu? It makes no sense to me to talk of rights without qualifying it with responsibilities. You want to be a Tuan? Then you must also shoulder the responsibility of being the Tuan. That's only fair and reasonable. And what might those responsibilities be? Here is a sample:1) The responsibility to maintain racial and religious harmony.2) The responsibility to maintain sustainable economic development for all3) The responsibility to pursue scientific and technological developmentand so on. But it seems to me that those who want to be Tuans have not fulfilled their responsibilities! So how to be a Tuan? I have been following Malaysian politics since the early nineties. Throughout this entire period - not even one Malaysian Malay leader raised the issue of Malay responsibilities that ought to come with Malay rights and the Ketuanan Melayu. Thats very telling of the Malaysian psyche. Its pretty damning!To talk of rights without responsibilities will only encourage people to take advantage of the situation. After all - who does not want freebies and unlimited social welfare in the form of the NEP? From tongkat to wheelchair and then finally - to the ambulance!Yes - keep Article 153 and the NEP. But balance it with Malay responsibilities. Only children have rights without responsibilities. To be a true Tuan, you also need to shoulder the Tuan's responsibility.
Best Regards
Dr Syed Alwi"
By the way, who is Dr Syed Alwi?


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