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Showing posts from November, 2009

Bajet Pahang 2010

UCAPAN BAJET 2010 NEGERI PAHANG  Today at 12:16pm  SEBAHAGIAN UCAPAN BAJET 2010 NEGERI PAHANG OLEH YAB MB PAHANG YANG SANGAT-SANGAT PERLU DIAMBIL PERHATIAN SERIOUS OLEH KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN !!!! 36.Kerajaan Negeri telah berusaha mengambil tindakan positif bagi mengekal dan memelihara khazanah hutan demi kepentingan negara dan generasi akan datang bagi menjamin sumber bekalan air mentah terus berkekalan. Pewartaan kawasan hutan sebagai kawasan tadahan air dilaksanakan selaras dengan kehendak dan dasar Kerajaan Persekutuan supaya kawasan hutan yang boleh menjamin sumber air mentah negara dikekalkan demi kepentingan semua pihak. Sehingga kini Kerajaan telah mewartakan kawasan hutan seluas 972,839 hektar sebagai kawasan tadahan air. Selaras dengan pewartaan tersebut, semua aktiviti pembalakan tidak dibenarkan. Penguatkuasa terus dipertingkatkan bagi mempastikan kawasan berkenaan tidak dicerobohi. 37. Kawasan hutan yang diwartakan itu mempunyai nilai komersil hasil hutan y...

MCA crisis setting wrong precedents?

In all instances of associations registered under the Societies Act 1966, the highest authority governing the running of the associations shall be the AGM and the EGM. All decisions or resolutions reached at a properly convened AGM and EGM must be followed by the associations including its members. In the case of the latest MCA crisis, an EGM had been properly and legally convened, restoring the membership of DS Chua Soi Lek but not his position as the Deputy President. DS Liow Tiong Lai had in the interim been appointed by the CWC to act as the Deputy President. It have to be made clear that such appointment on Liow can only mean an appointment to act as ACTING Deputy President. The decision of the EGM reinstating Chua Soi Lek as a member of MCA must actually be followed with all the reinstatement of his position prior to the disciplinary actions taken against him. The EGM should have also resolved that Chua be put to status quo and that the decision to appoint Liow to the post o...